Health Access to Vulnerable Families with Diabetes during Pregnancy

One-Stop Health Access to Vulnerable Families with Diabetes during Pregnancy in the Perinatal Period (the 1-stop project)

The idea of this project is to tailor antenatal health-care services to pregnant women with diabetes and their families. Women with diabetes are particularly challenged during pregnancy and therefore need easy access to these services.

More specifically, the project has two aims:

  1. to examine how vulnerable pregnant women with diabetes experience barriers to existing antenatal health-care services, and what they see as most important to improve their health access;
  2. to explore how existing organizational practices and underlying mechanisms create barriers to organizing more integrated health-care access for this group, and what managers and professionals consider as the key measure to improve health access.

The project focuses on the model of one-stop health care access and will utilize knowledge from the FACT (Flexible Assertive Community Treatment) project.


Viola Burau

Professor Department of Public Health - Department of Health Services Research

Helle Terkildsen Maindal

Professor Department of Public Health - Department of Health Services Research

Tine Brink Henriksen

Clinical Professor Department of Clinical Medicine - Department of Paediatrics

Mette Mørup Schlütter

Postdoc Department of Public Health - Department of Health Services Research